Secret Library

Secret Library is an occasional feature in which writers nominate three books they like that don’t get the attention they deserve. The only stipulations are that they have to have been published at one point in English and should not have the visibility of a classic – but the definition of classic is a little elastic (and also genre-specific): writers like Austen, Dickens and Christie are out but we have welcomed Updike and Somerset Maugham.

Here’s the series so far:

Alison Baillie

David Barbaree

Quentin Bates

Jordan Bell

Morwenna Blackwood

Paul D Brazill

Simone Buchholz

Stephanie Butland

West Camel

T G Campbell

Stephen Clark

Reed Farrel Coleman

Kjell Ola Dahl

Helena Dixon

Glen Ebisch

Derek Farrell

Sue Featherstone

Karla Forbes

Moira Forsyth

Andy Griffee

Johana Gustawsson

Anna Halabi

Paul Hardisty

Charles Harris

Paul Harrison

Lucy V Hay

Lily Hayden

Susi Holliday

Maxim Jakubowski

Matt Johnson

Doug Johnstone

Tom O Keenan

J F Kirwan

Catherine Kullmann

Neil Lancaster

Michael J Malone

Phil Rowlands

Rachel Sargeant

Lilja Sigurdardóttir

Graham Smith

Michael Stanley

Vanda Symon

Louise Voss

Sarah Ward

Matt Wesolowski

David Young